Know complete information about grape cultivation

 And the desert climate is very good.  Grape growing is best in areas with only two main winters, winter and summer, without the rainy season.  Too much and too much fruit requires too much winter and too much summer.  From the day the fruit is harvested to the time the fruit is ripe and the weather is dry and clean, the fruit is excellent.  When there is a flower on the tree, when it rains, the leaves, flowers and fruits are infected with various species, and when it rains in a ripe state, the fruit is cracked and destroyed.  Grapes are grown well up to 400 meters above sea level.  In areas where the annual rainfall is less than 75 cm, grape cultivation improves.


 Grape growing in red, black soil is good, but light and easily drained land is best for grape growing.  Grape growing can be done in a well-drained, shallow, well-drained soil.  If the soil is hard lime, it is unsuitable for grape cultivation.  This improves the soil acidity from 7.5 to 7.5.

 What kind

 About 20 varieties of grapes are grown.  However, about 12 species are cultivated in India.  Grapes and grapes are divided into four parts.

 1 Seed Thai Color: Bangalore Blue, Pink, Kalisahebi, Bangalore Purple, Black Prince

 Colorless without 2 seeds: Beauty Siddles, Sarada Siddles

 3 seeds Thai white varieties: Anabaisahi, Dilkhus, Selection 4, Vokri

 рми White varieties without seeds: Parlet, Pusa Siddles, Thompson Siddles, Ganesha, Sonok, Manik, Chaman


 The reproduction of grapes is usually done by twigs.  Twigs are pruned for growing grapes.  In April and again in October.  The twigs are selected to be rooted during ripening.  The branches are cut 30 to 45 cm long and buried in beds.  The soil should be buried for 10 cm and there should be 2 knots in the soil.  Before the branches are planted, they should be immersed in a board at 3.50.  After 3 months, the tree is ready to be planted.

 Planting and subsequent care

 Depending on the size of the tree and how long the row should be, it depends on the soil, the climate, the type of rotation, the training method.  The plant is planted every 3 meters.  Grape trees are planted in January and February.  The hole size should be at least 60 cm to 60 cm.  In the vadism system, one meter round and one meter deep hole is drilled.  Each hole is planted with two baskets of manure, 2 kg of organic manure, and 50 grams of chlorinated pyrifos.  As the tree grows, more manure and fertilizer are applied.

 Manure and fertilizer

 Grape trees need a lot of fertilizer.  1.5 kg to 3 kg of nitrogen fertilizer per plant requires 450 g to 1.5 kg of phosphorus fertilizer and 1 kg to 2.5 kg of potash fertilizer per year.  Fertilizers are applied after cutting the branches.


 Irrigation is essential for grape cultivation.  After filtering and fertilizing, irrigate as needed.  The plant needs irrigation at intervals of 8/10 days in the dry and winter months.  The fruit was not irrigated 15 days to a month before ripening.

 Training and cutting

 Grape growing depends on the method of grape training and the cutting of grapes.  It is said that training in folding the vine, restricting the size of the vine and increasing its control in the prescribed direction.  .

 Diseases, worms and their remedies


 Grapes have low levels of Downy mildew, powdery mildew, anthracnose, and brown lift spots.  "If there is a lot of rain and wet weather, the disease will spread and cause a lot of damage."

 Down Milidium

 Bordeaux will be applied 4 times in 3: 3.50 vines.  In addition to Bordeaux, Blitex-50 and Endophyll M-45 can also be sprayed.


 Spray 0.1% Endrin or 0.01% DDT.

 Fly beetle: Spray 0.1% chloropyrifos powder or 0.02% parathion spray.


 The fruit is obtained 2 years after planting, but the fruit is fully grown after 3 years. The grapes are harvested after the fruit ripens.  The income per hectare is about Rs 50,000 to Rs 40,000.
