Cultivation of rhubarb in improved methods

Any flower is a contribution of nature.  As a symbol of beauty and fragrance, everyone's hearts are filled with joy.  In the imagination of the poet, one has always held a high place in the feelings of the lover.  One such flower that imparts beauty and fragrance is the rhubarb, which has many good qualities.  It does not spoil quickly, it is relatively tight, cheap, beautiful and easy to find.  The demand for this flower is quite high today.  From the time of the Puja festival to the birthdays of the House Worship Peetha and the Assembly Committee Divisions, the flower is the most cherished.  The use of this flower in winter is ahead of all others.  In the winter, most people plant a variety of flowers in their garden.  It is a herbaceous plant and blooms mainly in winter.  But now science is becoming more and more commonplace.  It can be cultivated throughout the year.
 Although the demand for rhubarb in our country is high, it is still being produced.  We have a flower market in our country.  So farmers can definitely benefit financially by cultivating it in a better way.

 Land preparation and types
 Nigida, Dorsa, Balia Dorsa, and more organic charcoal and nectarine soils can be used to grow good rye.  However, it can also be grown in adverse conditions.  To do this, shake the soil 2-3 times and grind it well.  Clean the grass with grass, roots, roots, etc.  Add 10 to 20 hectares of manure per hectare during the last oat season.  It soothes the soil, increases water retention and, above all, improves the plant
 Seedling methods and care
 Leave 2-3 branches in front of each branch of the tree and cut the branches.  Add manure to the sandy soil and apply it on the soil.  The roots come out in about a week.  Hormones available in the market, such as seradex, can be used for rapid rooting.  Seeds are made by sowing seeds in pots.  The outgrowth of a ripe flower grows on a large tree.  In rows of land, line the rows at a distance of 40-50 cm and plant them at a distance of 30-60 cm.  Lightly irrigate once or twice a week.  15-20 days after sowing, weeds and weeds need to be selected.  Spray medicines to control weeds and other pests.

 Fertilizer management
 Fertilizers are needed to grow crops on a more productive and commercial basis.  Its smooth application and management is beneficial.  It requires 40-30 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash per hectare.  When planting, apply half of the nitrogen and potash and all the phosphorus in a row.  Apply the remaining fertilizer in rows 30 to 40 days later.  In sandy or loamy soils, it is better to apply jatropha and potash fertilizers in 3 installments and phosphorus in 2 installments.
 Bacterial fertilizer
 Bacterial fertilizers can be applied with chemical fertilizers.  Studies have shown that the use of bacterial fertilizers reduces the amount of chemical fertilizers by about 25 to 50 percent.  Nitrogen bacteria and phosphorus fertilizers are applied to 2 kg of culture soil per hectare each.  The culture powder can be applied in rows by adding 1 quintal of pure powder and sprinkling with water for 7 days.  As a result, the efficiency of the bacterial fertilizer is increased.  There are many benefits to using fertilizer, such as lowering the cost of chemical fertilizers, higher yields, and longer flowering of plants.  As a result, more flowers bloom and the number of flowering branches increases.  In addition, cultivating in this way can keep the flowers fresh for a longer period of time, making the flowers bigger in size, color, and beauty.  Apart from all these benefits, the quality and productivity of the soil does not deteriorate.
